The median and interquartile range.
the returned papers
The returned papers will show the correct answers because they from students who did not skipped the class.In most cases that will help with the validity of the results if the professors wants to see the deviations with the marks obtained from both parties.
Answer is power.
Refer below.
The owner of a major league baseball team can fire employees for not winning a pennant, have the city build him a new ballpark, and prevent organizations that compete against his own team from airing advertisements during the team's televised games. In Max Weber's view, this owner would most likely be considered as having: power.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin consectetur turpis nunc, in congue diam porta euismod. Pellentesque ornare pretium porttitor. Praesent gravida mollis nunc eget malesuada. Vivamus mollis cursus sapien quis sodales. Etiam vel elementum turpis. Nullam ullamcorper imperdiet felis, at tincidunt quam vehicula vel. Praesent pretium risus vitae odio rutrum facilisis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
C) serve two terms as president i think that right