<span>This pose is known as the contrapposto pose</span>
I believe you answer is C. But don’t quote me on that.
Dutch brought trade goods and took back cargoes of sugar, wine, hides
A fé em Deus salva uma pessoa e não as boas obras que ele fez porque foi realizada por ela mesma.
Uma pessoa que tem fé em Deus, fará as boas obras porque sabe que essas boas ações farão Deus feliz e, em troca, Deus cumprirá seus desejos e resolverá seus problemas. Algumas pessoas fazem boas ações para impressionar outras pessoas, de modo que essa ação não será aceitável para Deus, porque essas boas ações são feitas para as pessoas, não para Deus. As pessoas que têm completa fé em Deus se preparam fazendo boas ações para o dia do julgamento.
Dear Editor of the Los Angeles Times,Hello. I am a white American citizen living in Los Angeles. I have just read about theSupreme Court case of Korematsu v. the United States, and had some opinions I would like todiscuss. This case as made me very irate as I do not agree with the way Japanese Americansare being treated.I believe that forcing Japanese Americans into internment camps is unfair andunconstitutional. It is bypassing their rights as American citizens. Yes, they are of Japanesedissent, but they chose to be here. They left their home country, culture, family, and basicallyeverything they knew behind just to become citizens in this country. They want nothing morethan to take advantage of all this great land has to offer, just like everyone else. It is unfair todiscriminate against them because of their nationality. Korematsu should not have beenarrested for resisting containment, as freedom is a founding principal of the United States. Iagree with the dissenting opinion, as the majority voted to withhold Korematsu’s conviction