Usually during exercise, unlike during rest times the muscle cells need to respire more. So they need more oxygen and glucose for energy and the carbon-dioxide produced as waste must be removed quickly. So when person gets tired or breathes heavily during intensive workouts means they are in need of more oxygen. So the cells starts performing anaerobic(lactic acid ) respiration even though it releases less energy.
Explanation: During endocytosis (endo means inside) a cell will use its cell membrane to engulf an object which is outside of the cell. This process takes effort by the cell, so it needs to use energy (ATP!) The process which is the reverse of endocytosis is exocytosis (exo means outside - think exit).
My answer is an ostrich,a camel,and a fennec fox.
But the Fennec fox is the suitable answer...
hertz (Hz); decibels (dB)
The Sound Measurement units are: Hertz (Hz) and Decibels (dB).
As you may know, sound travels in waves. The speed of the vibrations of these waves defines the tone of the sound. The tone is measured in Hertz, vibrations per second. The higher the number of vibrations per second the higher the sound. Hertz therefore measures the pitch of the sound. The decibel, in turn, measures the power of the sound, its energy, the stronger or weaker it is emitted. Measures the volume of the sound.