In Somalia, various high rates of maternal mortality,, genital mutilation, violence, child marriage are frequently recorded because of the poverty and religion.
However, the woman experience poverty in the country more than the men.
Both the girls and women in Somalia suffer from poverty because of:
- lack of access to basic and essential feminine hygiene products
- lack of adequate sanitary hygiene products
- lack of job
- lack of education etc
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The baby became habituated to the pattern of the dots in the shape of a square
Habituation is the learning process by which an organism's initial response to a stimulus decreases after the organism repeatedly is exposed to the stimulus.
Here, the baby was interested to the pattern of the dots in the shape of a square but after the baby was repeatedly subjected to it the baby became habituated to them and lost interest. Later a different pattern got the baby interested again.
Hence, the baby became habituated to the pattern of the dots in the shape of a square.
There was a major fire when "king" Nero ruled in this point in time. People blamed the fire of the Christians and then a whole bunch of tension broke out!
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