happiness : misery :: safety : peril
giggle : sob :: smile : grimace
contest : prize :: work : compensation
nervous : insecure :: gullibility : credulity
abrupt : sudden :: inevitability : fate
regret : disappointment :: acceptance : resignation
7: Misery is antonym of happiness, similarly peril is antonym safety.
8: Sob is antonym of giggle, and analogically grimace is antonym of smile.
9: Prize is effect/reward of a cause (contest), similarly effect/reward of work is compensation.
10: Insecure is synonym of nervous, similarly credulity is synonym of gullibility.
11: Sudden is synonym of abrupt, similarly fate is synonym of inevitability.
12: Disappointment is effect of regret, similarly resignation is effect of acceptance.
We will continue to fight for<span> justice.
</span>Some commercials<span> are really horrible.</span>
The closest place to get a soda is store on the corner.
The woman next door<span> is really noisy.</span>
<span>There is </span><span>only one way to study </span>the bible.
Can you help me pick up<span> these guitars.
</span>Go get t<span>he bicycle off the porch.
</span><span>I showed up late to </span><span>the family reunion.
</span>I really want to join<span> a band.
</span>I want to take<span> the best route </span>to Walmart.
Douglass says that he feels distanced from the people to whom he is speaking because <u>they identify with free people, and he identifies with slaves.</u><u> </u>
Fredrick Douglass gave this famous speech before the Civil Wars. His speech was about the Hippocratic nature that the Americans have been facing and practicing simultaneously. As he moves on with the speech he becomes angrier. He wants slavery to be abolished through any means. He speaks about the celebration of 4th July which was to be celebrated as the day of freedom. It is very disappointing for him to see that the people are celebrating the freedom of a nation which has been build on the surface of slavery. In his speech, he mentions about his own people who do not associate themselves with the slaves rather they identify themselves with the whites.
She appreciates the equal treatment the boarders offered her.