The reason for analyzing an algorithm is to discover its characteristics in order to evaluate its suitability for various applications are compared with other algorithms for the same application
The second for loop does 1 of 4 iterations for every 1 of 5 iterations of the parent loop. meaning it is 4 x 5 which is 20.
Option A is not true because a Boolean variable type can hold one of two values only that is (true/True or false/False).
All the other options given in the question are correct because
- A variable declaration refers to specifying its type and name
- If string variables are assigned a numeric values which is legal provided the values are enclosed in quaotes( " "), trying to carryout a mathematical operation like addition will result in string concatenation.
- The Variable name I_Love_to_eat_pizza is legal because it contains no special characters, doesn't start with a number and its not a reserved word in any language
1010 0111 1101 1111
A = 10 in decimal = 1010 in binary
7 = 7 in decimal = 0111 in binary
D = 13 in decimal = 1101 in binary
F = 15 in decimal = 1111 in binary
Therefore 0xA7DF = 1010 0111 1101 1111 in binary
Explanation: Information systems are known to contain five components, these components help to describe the various aspects and importance of Information systems.
They Include The DATABASE AND DATA WAREHOUSE components(act as the store for all data), The COMPUTER HARDWARE(the physical components of the information systems such as computer harddrive etc)
THE COMPUTER SOFTWARE( the software which includes all the non physical and intangible assets of the information system),
THE HUMAN RESOURCES AND PROCEDURES COMPONENT( which gives instructions to the users).