Roger Sherman's proposal (known as the Great Compromise and the Connecticut Compromise) was that there would be a bicameral legislature in the American government and that proportional representation would exist in the lower house and the upper house would be equally weighted between the states.
Answer: read
There are different types of committees that are responsible for particular aspects of congressional work. Standing committees are permanent legislative committees. Select committees are special committees that are formed to deal with a particular issue or policy. Special committees can investigate problems and issue reports. Joint committees are composed of members of the House and Senate and handle matters that require joint jurisdiction, such as the Postal Service and the Government Printing Office. Subcommittees handle specialized aspects of legislation and policy.
The United Nations' sole function is to provide humanitarian aid around the world.
ANSWER: The tank was developed as a means to break the stalemate on the Western Front in World War I. Military technology of the time favored the defense. Even if an attack did succeed, it was almost impossible to exploit the breach before the enemy rushed in reinforcements to stabilize the front.
The room is a salon, a lavish setting for fashionable gatherings.