I saw the effect it had on people.
There was a limit of how much candy I could have.
There is a reason for my actions
The technology in the future will be more advanced than it is today.
The solution to my problem is in the text.
There was a demand for water in my town.
A new housing developer came to look at a house.
The profit he recieved was overwelming.
My supplies was running low.
The new version of my phone came out today.
I had to estimate the answer to my question.
I had to update my profile picture.
He had to calculate the answer.
1 quart is 4 cups so 240 divided by 4 is 60 so Kat would need 60 quart containers.
by illustrating that Squeaky dislikes people who brag about their accomplishments
Answer: There is nothing wrong with gossip. Rumors are completely different.
Gossip is okay as long at it is harmless and truthful. Don’t repeat a rumor or spread a rumor. Until the rumor is turned into a fact there should be no need to spread it.
John ran. - independent
John ran away from the shore. - independent
Jim studied in the sweet shop for his chemistry quiz. - independent
When Jim studied in the sweet shop for his chemistry quiz. - now this one's tricky. I am leaning towards dependent but it could be the response to a question, but I don't know what question or could be dependent because its not a complete thought. Try dependent.