Conflicts with other tribes.
When Settlers traded with one tribe only, the gain in prosperity that is obtained by leveraging on the local resources will only be felt by that one tribes.
The other tribes felt the deteriorating resources (since they live within the same region), but do not receive the same benefit in return as that one tribes. As a result, this will gradually build up resentment towards that one tribes or the European settlers. This what might lead to wars/conflicts.
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What's professor Zhang is doing is a clear case of ethnocentrism. this is given that she's using the standard and customs of the place where she's from to judge how people should behave in a different culture. ethnocentrism gives one the belief that his or her culture is better than that of others. such a word is often used where issues of ethnicity of concern.
Since people from her culture do not go on a first-name basis, she believes that wherever she is no one should call her by her first name else the person is disrespectful.
That statement is False.
The music that created in the past Great Basin area was never really as complex as the music that we create in the modern period.
The creation of complex music really needs to be supported with strong development in creativity and intelligence, which did not exist during archaic period.