sexxxxx chaaaaat insta id abhilash0351
Databars and Sparkliness are key types of conditional formatting in excel.
Databars show the relative magnitude of values in a dataset. Sparkliness are tiny charts that reside in a cell in excel. These charts are used to show the trend over the time or variation in the dataset.
Please find the answer below
// Online C compiler to run C program online
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
// Write C code here
//printf("Hello world");
int userNum;
int i;
int j;
scanf("%d", &userNum);
/* Your solution goes here */
for(i = 0; i<=userNum; i++){
for(j = 0; j <= i; j++){
printf(" ");
printf("%d\n", i);
return 0;
- def Lambda(strList):
- return list(filter(lambda s: (s.startswith("e")), strList))
- print(Lambda(["meaning", "cart", "engine", "egg"]))
The solution code is written in Python 3.
Lambda function is an anonymous function. It is a function without any name and it is started with keyword lambda. To write a lambda function to filter the string started with an 'e', we can write a lambda expression, s.startswith("e") that work on one input strList. If any word from strList started with letter "e", the word will be added into a list generated by filter function. At the end, the Lambda function will return the list of strings as output.
When we test the Lambda function using the sample string list (Line 4), we shall get ['engine', 'egg'] printed to terminal.
-Consiste en conectar varias redes de computadoras basadas en diferentes protocolos -Requiere la definición de un protocolo de interconexión común sobre los protocolos locales. -El Protocolo de Internet (IP) desempeña este papel, definiendo direcciones únicas para una red y una máquina host.