Well, it depends on what you're looking for but .gov and .edu websites are credible.
.org websites can be of good use too, but not all of them are credible
"During the shop’s peak hours – from eight in the evening till around midnight – one could hardly hear oneself talk because of the boisterous chatters that went on."
A short saying like an adage or proverb would be easier to remember than the entire story.
Yes they are all right. If you're stuck on answers 3. and 8. the answers are 3.Toil and 8.Avoid
By “Spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”, Wordsworth opines that poetry is a matter of mood and inspiration. Poetry evolves from the feelings of the poet. Poetry's source is the feeling in the heart, not the ideas of the intellect. ... Wordsworth told that the poet can't rely on sensibility alone.