1984. He was given a Special Citation “for his special contribution over nearly half a century to the education and enjoyment of America’s children and their parents.
North - East is the answer
No A
A large majority of languages of this family are tonal such as Yoruba and Igbo, Ashanti and Ewe language. A major branch of Niger–Congo languages is the Bantu phylum, which has a wider speech area than the rest of the family (see Niger–Congo B (Bantu)
mark brainliest :)
A local culture can be said to be a cultural group that can be defined by a region or location.
Anthropological survey of such rituals gives a peek into societies with no surviving written history.
Modern native cultures are the ones that have survived a rigorous process of termination and getting westernized.
To safeguard them, the anthropologists need to document their rituals and decode their dances for possible symbols and way of life as it developed in the place when there was no issue of the extinction
It is only through the dances and rituals of these people can we get a peek into what their core values are and how their history has been in the absence of any written records.