The both created centralized forms of governments
A biological species<span> is a group of individuals that can breed together (panmixia). However, they cannot breed with other groups</span>
thought it was unconstitutional and argued against it,
Bulimia and anorexia are eating disorders, which are largely caused by social pressure. In the media we always see perfect women / men, with incredible bodies and this is extremely harmful to our mental health as a whole. They are diseases caused by a pattern of beauty that often only exists in the media, it is a reality that affects many young people who believe that they must be in that standard to be accepted.
One of the most toxic environments for young people lately is <u>Instagram</u>, where perfect bodies and perfect lives are displayed, this generates great pressure on people and not to fit in there is not being enough. I believe that the culture of the media and the life of social networks, this pressure exists in any culture that uses technological means, because that is what technology generates.