There is only one sentence among these that contains a dependent clause, and that is the third option - Although the rain poured down, the Eagles and Panthers continued their soccer game.
The remaining sentences are all simple, meaning they contain only one independent clause (except for sentence 2, which is compound, meaning it has 2 independent clauses).
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Hello !
When the author says, "Hulk is generally portrayed as what every normal human being is forced to become when pushed against the wall."
<u>The author is trying to explain the type of people we become under certain circumstances. When we feel like we have no choice, or we feel forced to do something we don't want to do, we often become something we don't want to be. We either become violent, make extremely horrible choices, or end up hurting ourselves and/or our loved ones. The author is trying to explain that Hulk feels the same way, he is often put in situations where he is forced to make an impossible decision, and just like humans, he often has to suffer the consequences as well.</u>
I hope this helps. Please feel free to let me know if you have any follow-up questions or need help, I'll be more than happy to help.
Have a wonderful night :)