An element that does not show trespass to realty is: d) Defendant refused to remove something he placed on the property after the owner asks him to remove it.
Trespass to realty means that a person traspass a property or an object that does not belong to him or her. Element D) wouldn't count as trespass because it doesn´t said the object was there without the initial permission of the owner.
I felt that dude. I have similar problems with my mom (not gonna say what).
It starts counting as an actual threat when it is repeated and continuously said. Also if he has the actual capabilities of doing so and begins to act on them.
If you can, when he is calm- maybe ease into asking him about it. See what he says.
I don't know if you have a mom, parents are divorced, whatever it is- but if you can speak to your mother about it, I would try.