Lithosphere made the earth outermost layer, crust and upper portion of mantle.
Asthenosphere made the middle layer of earth.
Lithosphere made the earth outermost layer, crust and upper portion of mantle.
It is made up of tectonic plates.
Lithosphere present over the asthenosphere.
Lithosphere have low temperature as compared to asthenosphere.
Its rocks are rigid.
It is less viscous and dense
Asthenosphere made the middle layer of earth.
When material present in asthenosphere solidify it becomes the part of lithosphere.
Asthenosphere have high temperature as compared to the lithosphere.
Its rocks are plastic and have tendency to flow.
It is more viscous and dense.
Nosocomial infection-acquired in hospital or health card facility
Cell membrane is made up of Lipid Bilayer which are fluid in nature , means they move continuosly , due to this fluid nature they are selectively permeable to compounds.
They are comparable in light of the fact that they are both compound sources of vitality utilized by cells.
They are altogether different as far as arrangement and structure.