yo: construía
tu: construías
el, ella, usted: construía
nosotros: construíamos
vosotros: construíais
ellos, ellas, ustedes: construían
vos: construías
1 lb. de acelgas
1/4 taza de uvas pasas claras
2 cdas. aceite de oliva
3 dientes de ajo, cortados en rebanadas finas
1/4 taza de anacardos (cashews), tostados
sal y pimienta al gusto
Lava las acelgas bien y seca con papel toalla. Separa las hojas de los tallos. Corta los tallos en rebanadas finas y deja aparte. Enrolla las hojas y corta en rebanadas de 1 pulgada. Calienta el aceite en una sartén sobre fuego medio alto. Agrega los tallos picados y saltea 2 minutos. Agrega el ajo y las hojas de acelgas. Cocina 3 minutos y agrega las uvas pasas. Cocina 1 minuto más y sazona con sal y pimienta. Decora con los anacardos picados.
thectgod on ig follow
<span>¿Cuál es la palabra que explica cuando quieres que alguien piense igual a ti?
Convencer translates directly to convince.
Plz give me branliest</span>
1. washing machines
2. refrigerators
3. electric stoves
In central and South America, there are various people who falls into various economic level with some being poor and others being rich who could afford various nice things life has to offer.
<em>Averagely, the poor people live in the less developed areas and could not afford some of those things like electric stoves, refrigerators etc which those who live in well developed areas could afford.</em>
It is popular because it is the biblical burial site of the Apostle St. James
Santiago derives from the name Jacob which was Hebrew.
Festival of Apostle which is one of the most popular festivals.
Pilgrims often go to this festival as well as Galicians. There are firework shows and as well as traditional music.