Hypertension can be prevented by all of the above.
Hypertension is basically high blood pressure. Although it is a serious thing that can increase strokes, heart diseases, and kidney diseases, you may hear people say, 'calm down, your blood pressure is going up'. Hypertension can definitely be prevented by a balanced diet (can keep your blood pressure under control), regular exercise (doctors say to for 30 minutes each week if one has high blood pressure), and having a healthy weight (weight is crucial with hypertension).
Marijuana can trigger increased sensitivity to sounds, tastes, smells, and colors.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an extreme stress response to a traumatic event that threatens your safety or makes you feel helpless. The symptoms of PTSD present as a psychiatric condition that can develop following any traumatic, life-threatening, or highly unsafe, catastrophic life experience.
A. Assess the client's level of pain and administer prescribed analgesics.
The cardinal or major symptom of myocardial infarction (MI) is persistent, crushing substernal pain or pressure. Therefore nurse should first assess the client's pain and prepare to administer anagelsics like, Nitroglycerin or Morphine for pain control. The Nurse must ensure that the client is medically stabilized before pulmonary artery catheterization can be used as a diagnostic procedure. Anxiety and a feeling of impending doom are characteristic of MI, but the priority is to stabilize the client medically. Don't forget to inform the client and his family about every step of the recovery process, this action isn't really of top priority when treating a client with a suspected MI.