The global warming speech you will find below discusses a topic close to the hearts of many of us. It's a topic that is likely to remain current until measures designed to protect the environment are seen to be having a positive impact. Global warming is the gradual increase of the temperature of the earth's atmosphere and oceans.
Over the past century, the average temperatures have gone up by just over one degree. This may not seem like much, but many scientists agree that the earth's temperatures are starting to increase at a faster rate.
"That so many of us are here today is a recognition that the threat from climate change is serious, it is urgent, and it is growing. Our generation's response to this challenge will be judged by history, for if we fail to meet it - boldly, swiftly, and together - we risk consigning future generations to an irreversible catastrophe."
These are the words President Obama used to begin his global warming speech before the United Nations Summit in 2009.
They stuck to their original plan and revised the Articles of Confederation..
\\After the fall of the Roman Empire, some of its cultural achievements remained which assisted other Empire to establish like the Eastern Roman Empire.
The Greek Language was spoken in Rome. The Greek language was very popular among the elite and educated people. The language was different from Roman which was part of the Latin language.
Julian Calendar was replaced with Georgian Calender. Julian calendar was an old calendar established by Julius Caesar to bring changes in the dating system in the calendar.
The Middle Kingdom was a time of achievements for the ancient Egyptians. Art took on new styles and techniques, like the block style, where art was produced from large blocks of stone. Irrigation projects at the Faiyum, a large oasis on the west bank of the Nile in Lower Egypt, increased harvests.