The court had declined new deal measures for the Great Depression.
The second group of southern states seceded after the attack at Fort Sumter. Four additional states left at this time. These states left because they had concerns about what would happen to slavery now that the fighting had begun. They waited until the Civil War began before leaving the Union.’!!!!!!!!!!
Marco Polo (1254-1324) was a Venetian merchant believed to have journeyed across Asia at the height of the Mongol Empire. He first set out at age 17 with his father and uncle, traveling overland along what later became known as the Silk Road.
Andrew Carnegie was philanthropist
Carnegie sold his steel to JP Morgan and at the time was the richest individual. He invested that money in over 3000 public libraries and provided education to all. He himself came from a poor family and knew how difficult it was to fight, educate and achieve something. He wanted to change the world for the better and to start positions for all citizens as similarly as possible.
Probably he would still do so today in accordance with the times. So he provided IT education in addition to everything.
Most similar to him today is Bill Gates.