The flashdrive can hold 35389 400-pages-books
If of a page occupies 1 kB of memory, we can calculate how much memory a book will take
Now that we know that a book average file size is about 266,67 kB, we calculate how many of them can a 9 GB flash drive hold.
To do the calculation, we have to know how many kilobytes are in 9 gigabytes.
There is 1024 kilobytes in a megabyte, and 1024 megabytes in a gigabyte, so:
Finally, knowing the average file size of a book and how much memory in kilobytes the 9 GB flash drive holds, we calculate how many books can it hold.
The flashdrive can hold 35389 400-pages-books, or 14155776 pages of typical text.
Well since Windows XP runs on Windows 2000 technology,it would be "slow".Also that Windows XP had MSN,which expired 15 years ago,but the good thing about Windows XP is that it can connect to the internet via WiFi without the computers hardware used for WiFi(PC only).Also that Windows XP has a logo on the start-up screen.Windows Vista on the other hand, doesn't have a logo on the start-up screen,but shows a Windows Vista animated logo atfer the start-up screen.Also that some people named Windows Vista "The first Windows 7".But somewhat,Windows Vista ran faster than Windows XP at starting up.Windows Vista was old,but it sold better than Windows XP.
Answer: Zombies
Explanation: Zombie is a computer device that is responsible for the compromising the system and making it prone to several destruction such as the Trojan horse virus,hackers and other viruses as well. Zombie makes the computer system to get malfunctioned easily ,that is without much security and various malicious functions can be performed.They basically act as the infected computer .
Let's do this in Python. We will loop through 4 times, each of the loop would compute the dividend, store it as string in a result variable and finally print the result on the same line:
def divide_4_times(user_num, x):
result = ''
for i in range(4):
user_num /= x
result += (' ' + str(user_num))