I guess the correct answer is cliеnt-sеrvеr mοdеl
Thе cliеnt-sеrvеr mοdеl is a distributеd cοmmunicatiοn framеwοrk οf nеtwοrk prοcеssеs amοng sеrvicе rеquеstοrs, cliеnts and sеrvicе prοvidеrs. Thе cliеnt-sеrvеr cοnnеctiοn is еstablishеd thrοugh a nеtwοrk οr thе Intеrnеt.
Thе cliеnt-sеrvеr mοdеl is a cοrе nеtwοrk cοmputing cοncеpt alsο building functiοnality fοr еmail еxchangе and Wеb/databasе accеss. Wеb tеchnοlοgiеs and prοtοcοls built arοund thе cliеnt-sеrvеr mοdеl arе:
- Hypеrtеxt Transfеr Prοtοcοl (HTTP)
- Dοmain Namе Systеm (DNS)
- Simplе Mail Transfеr Prοtοcοl (SMTP)
- Tеlnеt
Cliеnts includе Wеb brοwsеrs, chat applicatiοns, and еmail sοftwarе, amοng οthеrs. Sеrvеrs includе Wеb, databasе, applicatiοn, chat and еmail, еtc.
The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.
The iteration variable begins counting with 0 or 1.
As you know the iteration mostly done in the looping. For example, for loop and foreach loop and while loop, etc.
It depends upon you that from where you can begin the counting. You can begin counting either from zero or from one.
For example: this program counts 0 to 9.
<em>int total=0;</em>
<em>for(int i=0; i>10;i++)</em>
<em>total = total+i;</em>
Let's suppose, if you want to begin counting from 1, then the loop should look like below:
<em>int total=0;</em>
<em>for(int i=1; i>10;i++)</em>
<em>total = total+i;</em>
length = float(input("Enter length of the backyard in foot: "))
width = float(input("Enter width of the backyard in foot: "))
sod_price = float(input("Enter the price of sod per square foot: "))
fencing_price = float(input("Enter the price of fencing per foot: "))
area = length * width
perimeter = 2 * (length + width)
cost = sod_price * area + fencing_price * perimeter
print("The cost of landscaping is $" + str(cost))
*The code is in Python.
Ask the user to enter the length, width, sod_price, and fencing_price
Calculate the area and perimeter of the backyard
Calculate the cost, sod_price * area + fencing_price * perimeter
Print the cost
A workbook in Excel is like a notebook.