With the new military technology, not only changed the War of the 100 years, but the whole war began to change in the world, like the English using cannons that could destroy the French castles; and new weapons like crossbows, which could shoot more arrows. While, among the French, the feeling of patriotism and nationalism began to grow as well, the English began to change the concept of fiefs, since the English needed large armies instead of feudal lords. The Italian cities flourished while England and France were recovering, and those Italian cities brought the Renaissance, the Reformation and the Age of Exploration.
Eugene Debs should be elected because he fights for whats right for the american citizens. he understand that kids can't work yet and that they need to be educated first and for most. for the people who do work they need to have adequate pay and not too long work hours. women and men should be treated the same like how white and blacks should be treated the same in the work place.
the cold war was simply put a threat between the U.S. and U.S.S.R to nuke each other if the other messed up. it was also a big arms race where each side was trying to make better and more powerful weapon and technology
the U.S.S.R. was also trying to convert more countries to become communist while the U.S. was trying to stop them from doing that.