D) the Monroe Doctrine protected the U.S. from involvement in European affairs and W.W. I.
communications inventions
transportation inventions
names of specific inventors or entrepreneurs
examples of consumer goods
the impact of inventions on American society
A president must look beyond what he knows and what he has heard of his country.
A president must understand that not all the problems of a nation are evident and visible. Sometimes the people who are suffering are not able to speak or do not have the facilities to ask for help for themselves or their community. In this way, the president should interpret the silence of some places and know his territory in order to be able of analyzing and solving different problems in his country
constitutionality of federal trials
Answer: The US
backed out in financially helping Egypt build a dam, particularly the Aswan
High Dam. US offered to help Egypt build this dam but backed out of the deal
for unknown reasons. 90,000 Nubians/Egyptians were affected by relocation and
there were also a lot of artifacts that were moved to make way for this