if a country has higher life expectancy and infant mortality then it will probably have a better health care system
The first Islamic civil war or "Fitna " happened in the 7th century, after the Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan´s assassination (d. 656). According to Islamic tradition, close relatives were the ones to take responsibility for avenging the assassinated´s death so both his favorite wife, Aisha and his brother Ali got into a dispute over who would avenge Uthman Ibn Affan.
Ultimately the war ended by the signing a treaty in 661.
<h2>To identify every human gene </h2>
<h3><u>got it right on the test</u></h3>
Genghis Khan, born Temujin around May 31, 1162, established the Mongol Empire in 1206, which became the largest entirely connected (contiguous) empire in history. It occupied approximately 22% of all land on Earth. Mongolia remains heavily nomadic, with approximately 30% of Mongolians being classified as nomads.
Who or what did you feel was most responsible for the Great Depression?
What were the major hardships suffered by your family during the depression?
What do you remember as being the worst aspect of life during the depression?