The Netherlands.
The Netherlands is located in Europe and was the first modern country with over one-half of its population living in cities and towns. The Netherlands known as the Republic of Dutch is among the countries not governed by a Monarch in the 17th century.
The Netherlands became England's biggest competitor in maritime in the mid-seventeenth century. Urbanization in the Netherlands transformed the country's economy as a result of great trade, religious tolerance, agriculture and textile.
President John F. Kennedy contained the Cuban Missile Crisis in a largely collaborative effort with his advisers. At the center of his support, we've always found the figure of Robert Kennedy. The views on where Robert standed during the unfolding of the crisis tend to be mixed up.
In the beginning it was the secretary of defence Robert McNamara who argued in favor of a blockade to Cuba instead of a military strike. We can also attribute to him the persuassion over his ExComm colleagues who were trying to push military action.
Several other U.S. officials such as national security adviser McGeorge Bundy and Theodore Sorensen, recongnized <u>the great dangers that using force could cause America by precipitating the risk of Soviet retaliation</u>.
Robert Kennedy was certainly the most influential adviser for JFK,<u> but he wasn't by any means an early supporter of the course of action that ended up resolving the crisis in </u><u>a more diplomatic way</u>, as the President was able to stand up against the pressure and go for a successful blockade.
Hope this helps!
Most of the slaves held by West Africans in the late 1800s used to grow food crops. The chapter of slavery in America started in 1619 when 20 salves were brought by the The White Lion in Virgina.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, black slaves worked basically on the tobacco, rice, and indigo plantations of the southern coast, from the Maryland and Chesippe Bay colonies to Georgia in the south.
The Chinese empire has been subject to unfair unilateral treatment for centuries. As foreign powers such as the Portuguese and the British sought to get their hands on this country's riches. This can be seen during the Opium Wars, which led to the colonization of the ports of Macao and Hong Kong, by the Portuguese and British respectively.
The military power exercised over China by foreign powers was replaced by the economic power of this same nations in the form of foreign investment that comes to China and sets up manufacturing sites that set unideal working conditions for Chinese locals at the expense of the enrichment of these businesses.
The presidential election of 1828 was a landslide victory for Andrew Jackson. It was actually much closer than most Presidential Elections have historically win because Jackson received 56% of the vote while Adams received 43%, but the United States of course elected President with the Electoral College. The Electoral College vote was: 178 Electoral College votes for Jackson, 83 Electoral College votes for Adams. I suppose I would consider that a bit of a landslide victory.