Answer:New York was originally named New Amsterdam by the Dutch colonists who settled they. It became a major seaport where ships from many different countries would berth to explore the "New World". Many of the sailors and passengers on those ships liked what they saw and/or wanted to live there. The variety of cultures, foods, languages, beliefs etc they brought with them helped make New Amsterdam/ New York a very cosmopolitan place. Go and see and hear and taste for yourself!
It was founded by the dutch so Dutch settlers were allowed to stay when Britain took over and renamed it New York ( B )
The population of the new York Colony was more ethnically and religiously diverse due to the presence of many settlers from different parts of Europe ( Germany, Netherlands, Scotland, Ireland and the Dutch ).
New York was first founded by the Dutch and due the natural and very attractive nature/geography of the place,many settlers wanted to come there because it was described as the "new world" to them by returning sailors. this settlers came with their own religion and ethnicity, and these made New York and other Middle colonies more diverse than the other British colonies.
The Dutch were allowed to stay even after the British took over