b.until they are withdrawn from inventory for use in production
Because, the materials could be used for maintenance hence, becoming manufactury overhead we must wait until they are assigned to a production batch or order That way they are unequivocally linked to the production process.
Answer: E. All of the above are characteristics of managerial accounting.
Managerial accounting is geared towards analysing accounting data to help management of an organization make decisions. As such it is internal and is seen by company employees.
To help the management, specific management reports are produced from which decisions affecting the company can be made. It is relatively flexible to enable it to suit the demands of the company and as it is for internal use, is not independently audited.
When goods are sold to a customer, the cost of goods sold account is debited by the same value that the finished goods inventory is credited.
For example, suppose a company sells $1,000 worth of goods to a customer, and the sales price is $1,200. The customer pays by cash the full value of the goods. The journal entry would be: