A heart transplant is a surgical procedure that replaces the person’s heart with a donor heart. A person may require a heart transplant for several reasons including congenital, arterial and muscle diseases or for unforeseen reasons such as accidents or viral infections.
The donor heart is matched to the recipient by blood type. More variables are also used to decide which recipient receives a heart if there are not enough hearts available for all recipients waiting for a transplant. The variables included in the decision may include the recipient state of health, cause of the heart condition and the urgency of the transplant.
The main goal of this project is for you to write a matching function that receives as a parameter the number of available hearts for transplant and will output all the recipients ranked in order of precedence.
The answer is Chief Executive Officer and and the Chief Financial Officer
As part of the requirements for audit process, the external auditor will obtain from the management a written representation for the financial statements being presented to the external auditor. The management is responsible for the preparation of Financial statement and the external auditor expresses their opinions on it.
To show accountability, The Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer both sign on it.
The students are the users in the buying center
Even though the students are the one buying the books directly, it is imperative that their feedback are taken and factored into future editions such that the book capture their yearnings not necessarily in the area of syllabus content but in areas relating to features that make reading enjoyable such as graphic designs, placing quiz answers at the back of the text and not immediately after the end of the chapter and so on.
This way all stakeholders including the students are given a sense of belonging by the publisher.
Answer:The answer is A
SMART are five steps in setting a business goal, S means specific, M means measurable A means Attainable / Achievement, R means Realistic/ Result Oriented, T means Time based
Specific : A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than general goal.great goal are well focused. In order to set a specific goal, the following questions must be answered such as who is involved? , what do I want to accomplish? What are the requirements needed to achieve the goal? What are the purpose of accomplishing the goal?
Measurable : This established the basis for measuring the level of progress towards the accomplishment of the goal.when a goal is measured, it enables the goal setter to stay on track to reach the target spurs the goal setter to continue the effort required to accomplish the goal. In measuring a goal questions such as how much? how many? how will I know when it is accomplished? must be answered.
Attainable : When a business goal is identified, it is important to begin to figure out ways to achieve the goal. The goal setter has to develop the attributes, abilities, skills,and the financial capacity to reach the goal. The goal can be attainable, when the goal setter plan the step wisely and also established a framework that allows the carrying out of the steps so outlined.
Realistic / Result Oriented : The business goal can be realistic or result oriented, when such a goal represents objective ahead which the goal setter are both willing and able to work towards. A goal can be both high and realistic, the goal setter is the one to decide just how high the goal is to know the substantial progress that had been made.
Time based: A goal should be within a specified time frame within which when such a goal is expected to have been accomplished.