Answer: Mcdonnals burger with dunkin donuts donut and kfcs chicken with pizza huts pizza blended
I try to speak but
My mind is deep in thought
They're calling me back to earth like I'm an astronaut
[someone who spaces out often]
I don't hate you
I just need some time alone
I'm sorry I can't stay
I'd rather be at home
A Law is a set of rules accepted by the country, whereas code is a standard accepted by an individual, society, or a class.
In "To Kill A Mockingbird," in chapter 20, Mayella breaks both "law" and "code."
She breaks law by giving false statement against Tom in the court. And she broke the code, by tempting a Negro.
She accused Tom, who is black, of ra-pe and on the other hand, she lu-sts after a black man. However, breaking of law is more powerful because it involves punishment whereas breaking of code does not.
Answer: I’m gonna name random people you might find as an example, and hope you can find websites for them. I do not know them all, and I used google to look them up.
Tom Holland
Emma Watson
Camila Cabello
Justin Timberlake
Rosanna Pansino
Rosa Parks
Abraham Lincoln
You will be able to find books about the last two, and probably a website or something for the other ones.