a. Helping clients recognize their faculty thinking and change the thinking patterns that contribute to their unhappiness is a fundamental component of a Humanistic approach
Hello! The variety of theories and movements that are referred to as "Humanists" can and often confuse. Therefore, there are identifications and explanations that mix in the definitions of each type, confusing in turn the role they play in different areas.
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Congress is given the authority to grant patents and copyrights.
Article I Section 8. Clause 8 – Patent and Copyright Clause of the U.S. Constitution in order to protect the free enterprise system -
Free enterprise Clause says that the Congress shall have the Power to support the development of science and useful arts, by securing for inadequate points to scholars and originators for the preferential rights to their respective articles and discoveries.”
This is the right conferred by the Constitution is the 5th Amendment, which can protect the individual resources from being taken away without due process.
The Bourgeoisie group exploits the working class by taking more of the value of the work of laborers than they repay in wages.
The Bourgeoisie is a social order known as the middle class. An example of the bourgeoisie is the middle class wanting to purchase high priced items out of their budget. They also want to make sure those in the classes below them are working significantly harder than they should and not being compensated for it.
Developments are inevitable in a given society. Economies will always rise in the long run; the opposite happens very rarely. These economic uptrends are due to developments. For such developments to affect the economy, they definitely have a large impact to the individuals being affected by the company.
For example, the technological development around the world has affected religious cultures. I have seen monks in Thailand who are taking selfies with their smartphones. Although it is not morally wrong, their way of lifestyle has changed because they have to keep up with the developments.
I would say A. because it’s the only one that clarifies of what a locomotive really is.