The algorithm is as follows:
1. Start
2. bottles = 0
3. While bottles != 500
3.1 Create bottle
3.2 bottle = bottle + 1
4. Switch off machine
5. Stop
This begins the algorithm
1. Start
This initializes bottles to 0
2. bottles = 0
The loop is repeated until 500 bottles is created
3. While bottles != 500
This creates a new bottle
3.1 Create bottle
This increments the number of bottles by 1
3.2 bottle = bottle + 1
This switches of the machine after all bottles are created
4. Switch off machine
End algorithm
5. Stop
The CIDDP concentrations are an extension and development on the knowledge and credentials of the standard CISS certification that improves employability and career advancement
The CISSP concentrations includes
Information System Security Architecture Professional which can be known as ISSAP
Information System Security Engineering Professional which can be known as ISSEP
Information System Security Management Professional which can be known as ISSMP.
Answer: The SFD is the eight-bit (one-byte) value that marks the end of the preamble, which is the first field of an Ethernet packet, and indicates the beginning of the Ethernet frame.
Thats what my calculator said
We need the Network Interface Card that supports serial transmission, and they are EIA RS-422A and RS-485 interfaces. Always remember that serial transmission is slower than parallel transmission, but they are less noisy as compared to the parallel transmission. In both of these NICs, we can have one transmitter and multiple receivers over a single line. And the length of the line can be as big as 6000 Feet and speed up to 10 MBPS, which is quite good for this question requirement.
Please check the answer.