To make sense of complicated data, your computer has to encode it in binary. Binary is a base 2 number system. Base 2 means there are only two digits—1 and 0—which correspond to the on and off states your computer can understand
The new version is kept in a special virtual space; the file is only changed when he clicks “save.”
I took the test and got it correct.
Task 1:
float75 = float(75)
string75 = "75"
# you cannot add together a number and a string because a string has no inherent numerical value like a number does.
Task 2:
num = float(input("Enter a number"))
Task 3:
num = int(input("Enter an integer: "))
print("When you divide "+str(num)+" by 7, the quotient is "+str(num//7)+" and the remainder is "+str(num%7)+".")
Task 4:
gigs = int(input("How many gigabytes does your flashdrive hold? "))
print("A flashdrive with "+str(gigs)+ " gigabyte(s) holds "+str(gigs*8589934592)+" bit(s).")
For task 4, you might have to change the number 8589934592 to something else. I'm not entirely sure how many bits are in a gigabyte. I hope this helps though.
If( caryear >= 2000 ):
print "probably has air bags.\n"
elif( caryear >= 1990 ):
print "probably has anti-lock brakes.\n"
elif( caryear >= 1970 ):
print "probably has seat belts.\n"
print "probably has few safety features.\n"
Your response is correct.
I hope this helped at all.