What is the superego?
The superego is responsible for installing values and morals of society in us.
The superego helps us control those impulses which are brought by the id part of our personality especially those impulses which are socially unacceptable. It also trains the ego to engage in moral goals rather than just realistic goals and to always work towards achieving perfection.
The superego is made up of our conscience and our ideal self.
It helps us feel guilt if we indulge in forbidden pleasures. It also equip us with the ability to treat others right and behave in a way that is social accepted.
This is what we see in Kelly , after a near death experience he starts to have remorse for her previous actions and start considering other people's feelings.
The Senate because each state has only two senators no matter the size of the state.
The correct answer among all the other choices is "He lived a simple life." This is what you can conclude about the Buddha's life from the text. Thank you for posting your question. I hope this answer helped you. Let me know if you need more help.
Rip… rest in peace. . . . . .