The six most common elements in living things are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. Atoms of these elements combine and form thousands of large molecules. These large molecules make up the structures of cells and carry out many processes essential to life.
He changes as a person as he develops and experiences different events throughout the book. He's braver by the end of it due to those experiences.
Ruling out rival hypotheses, Findings consistent with several hypotheses
require additional research to eliminate these hypotheses. More five principles
of critical thinking are: (1.) Correlation vs. Causation, the fact that two
things are associated with each other doesn’t mean that one causes the other.
(2.) Replicability, a finding must be capable of being duplicated by
independent researchers following the same recipe. (3.) Occam’s Razor,
if two hypotheses explain a phenomenon equally well, we should generally select
the simpler one. (4.) Falsifiability, claims
must be capable of being disproved. (5.) Extraordinary Claims, the more a
claim contradicts what we already know, the more persuasive the evidence must
be before we should accept it.
It is called a Reliquary.
Reliquary is used to refer to a container for holy relics. Saint Foy or Saint Faith was a young woman who was arrested during persecution of Christians; her legend says she refused to make pagan sacrifices even under torture by the Roman Empire. Her reliquary is very precious, a 33-½ inch wooden statue covered in gold and gemstones which keeps her skull.