Earned income consists of income you earn while you are working a full-time job or running a business.
Passive income is income earned from rents, royalties, and stakes in limited partnerships.
Portfolio income is income from dividends, interest, and capital gains from stock sales.
D: increase investment projects by firms
When interest rates are lowered, it is a green signal for small and medium size enterprises to borrow money for their investment projects.
It can be said that Fruitlicious demonstrates Efficiency
Efficiency correlates to the quality of your profession, which might involve building manufacturing with more limited waste, utilizing fewer resources or consuming smaller money. Improved efficiency can impede productivity and vice versa. Obtaining the correct sequence of productivity and efficiency assists you optimize your yield while reducing losses.
Added means to look at efficiency is the amount of gained hours of great quality productive product sorted by the number of work hours possible in a day. Essentially to expand manufacturing efficiency you want to create added output in the equivalent amount of time
C. Variable inflation is associated with high transaction costs
Because of uncertainty about future inflation, it may not uncertain relative to its price change. Therefore, option A is not correct.
In order to maximize financial position, inflation harms borrowers and helps lenders, so option B is also incorrect.
Option C is correct because variable inflation is associated with high transaction costs in order to maximize the financial position. For example, if the inflation rate is 5% during first quarter, the price level is not much to disrupt the financial position. Again, in the next quarter, if the inflation rate changes to 4%, the position will be effective more. However, if it increases, it will not affect too much.
Answer:Internal validity
Explanation: Internal validity is a term used in research to describe how well experiments or researches are done, it is usually used to shows whether it avoids confounding, The less chance for confounding in a study, the higher its internal validity.
Internal validity tends to show the soundness of an experiment or research, it also shows how many Confounding variables you have in your experiment or research.