The ant is a hard worker who knows that in order to have a comfortable and happy lifestyle, one must work to obtain it, instead of squander time with play.
The grasshopper is a character who only cared about playing and having fun, and so when the time came (winter) when he truly wanted to be inside and comfortable, there was no food and shelter to sustain him. He did not understand the greater value of working hard for comfort.
You need to wait for 2 people to answer, then you can choose between those 2 answers to pick as brainliest. It will say mark as brainliest under the question :)
1/10 = 2/20 = 3/30 = 4/40
Every is a determiner. Summer is a noun. Many is an adjective. Americans are subjects. Happily is an adverb. Attend is a verb. Baseball games are nouns. In is a preposition. and stadiums are nouns.