George Washington is the first president of USA
The answer is a desirable outcome. In an approach-approach, the individual is faced with the necessity of making a choice between two (or more) desirable goals. Since both goals are desirable, this is the least worrying situation. "Shall I fly or take a boat to Europe?" might be easily determined if both means of travel are seen as pleasurable. Such situations produce a state of unstable equilibrium. As soon as one goal is approached, its desirability increases and completely dominates, thereby making the choice easy. The choice becomes easier the closer one moves toward either goal. Another example is when a person pick between two attractive and practicable careers, may lead to some indecisiveness but rarely to great distress. A person chooses the most convenient goal that results to a desirable outcome.
Lake Superior; Canada & USA
Located within the Canadian province of Ontario and the US states of Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin, Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes of North America and the largest freshwater lake in the world.
The correct answer is conscientiousness
Conscientiousness is one of the five dimensions on the Big Five Personality Trait test. Conscientiousness refers to how structured, organized, punctual, meticulous and attentive to detail an individual is in their day to day life. An individual who is disorganized and careless is likely to score low on Conscientiousness dimension of the Big Five Personality Trait test.