Nom - Nomus, Noma, Namum
Gen - Genus, Gena, Genum
Dat - Datus, Data, Datum
Acc - Accus, Acca, Accum
Abl - Ablus, Abla, Ablum
Nom - Nomuses, Nomas, Namumes
Gen - Genuses, Genas, Genumes
Dat - Datuses, Datas, Datumes
Acc - Accuses, Accas, Accumes
Abl - Abluses, Ablas, Ablumes<span />
Gospel According to Matthew. Gospel According to Matthew, first of the four New Testament Gospels (narratives recounting the life and death of Jesus Christ) and, with The Gospels According to Mark and Luke, one of the three so-called Synoptic Gospels (i.e., those presenting a common view).
brainliest pls
The answer to 54 would be (B)
The answer to 55 would be (C)
The reason as to why 54 is B is that whenever you are talking about just a city and a state, you need a comma between the city and the state. If the sentence continues after the state name, place a comma after the state, which is why there is a comma at the end in the answer B
The reason as to why 55 is C is that because it is a specific country which is why it needs to be capitalized