Monitors typically use RGB color (additive model — adding to make white), but offset printing uses CMYK pigments (subtractive color — subtracting from the existing white). Printed images have less visual range, saturation, and contrast than digital images, so in print, colors will usually appear darker and less vibrant.
First, the evolution of technology is beneficial to humans for several reasons. At the medical level, technology can help treat more sick people and consequently save many lives and combat very harmful viruses and bacteria.
2-Technology has also increased the productivity of almost every industry in the world. Thanks to technology, we can even pay with bitcoins instead of using banks
1-Lack of Privacy. You might think that a quick text or IM offers more privacy than a telephone call in a crowded room. ...
2-Distraction from Real Life. ...
3-Potential for Misunderstanding. ...
4-Decline of Grammar and Spelling...
5- Near people are far and far people are near through communication technology. we have no time to sit with our relatives but constantly communicate far away people . I think this is biggest <em>disadvantage
After the viruses would be detected we have to clean them.
means we have to erase the virus .
A <u>Virtual hard disk</u> is a specially formatted file that, once mounted, or connected to a virtual machine appear and operate pretty much identically to a physical hard drive.
<h3>What is a virtual hard disk?</h3>
A virtual hard disk (VHD) is a disk picture file format for storing the entire ranges of a computer's hard drive.
The disk image, sometimes called a virtual machine (VM), duplicates an existing hard drive, including all data and structural elements.
<h3>Why would you count a virtual hard disk?</h3>
Typically, a VHD comes in handy to add additional storage to a Hyper-V virtual machine, and thanks to its capacity to support other OS installations, you can even use this storage virtualization technology to make a dual-boot system without modifying an existing partition.
To learn more about virtual hard disk , refer
deterministic system is a involved in development of future states of the system is called deterministic determinstic system.