Java in JavaScript does not correspond to any relationship with Java programming language.
The prefix Java in Javascript is there for historical reasons.
The original internal name of Javascript when it was created by Brendan Eich at Netscape was Mocha. This was released to public as Livescript in 1995. The name Livescript was eventually changed to Javascript in Netscape Navigator 2.0 beta 3 release in December 1995 after Netscape entered into an agreement with Sun Microsystem. The primary purpose of change of name seemed to be as a marketing aid to benefit from the growing popularity of Java programming language at that time.
so, what do you think ?
I am sure you have used a computer or a smart phone yourself.
how many clicks or taps do you want to do before you you get what you were looking for ?
hmmmm ?
as few a possible, right ?
ideally, of course, this is one (1) click or tap.
b) Bounded Waiting
int currentThread = 1;
bool thread1Access = true;
bool thread2Access = true;
thread1 { thread2 {
While (true) {
While (true)
while(thread2Access == true)
while(thread1Access == true)
If (currentThread == 2) {
If (currentThread == 1)
thread1Access = false; thread2Access = false;
While (currentThread == 2);
While (currentThread == 1);
thread1Access = true; thread2Access = true;
} }
/* start of critical section */ /* start of critical section */
currentThread = 2 currentThread = 1
… ...
/* end of critical section */ /* end of critical section */
thread1Access = false; thread2Access = false;
… ...
} }
} }
} }
It can be seen that in all the instances, both threads are programmed to share same resource at the same time, and hence this is the bounded waiting. For Mutual exclusion, two threads cannot share one resource at one time. They must share simultaneously. Also there should be no deadlock. For Progress each thread should have exclusive access to all the resources. Thus its definitely the not the Progress. And hence its Bounded waiting.
Check the explanation
All website around the world/internet is a collection of different web pages, HTML can be referred to as the single most essential standard when it comes to web design, as well as it being the only one that’s enormously required or needed if you plan to create a web page.
to answer the question above, we will be creating an HTML document that describes nested ordered lists of cars, kindly check the attached images below to see the written codes to solve the question.