The correct answer for 1 is D.) Gideon v. Wainwright
The correct answer for 2 is C.) University of California v. Bakke to describe affirmative action policies that negatively affected whites.
The correct answer for 3 is C.) Brown v. Board of Education
All three cases dealt with human rights and spreading equality and improving the society.
Expansion of America could either one make everyone happy with each other or make every other country mad for expanding
It is a social experiment and is the first country to establish a government based on self rule and the rights of man. In the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th century a government of the people, by the people, and for the people was a novel idea that was borne out of the idea that the right of man come from a higher power and not from being given to them by another person. No other country in the history of the world had crafted a governing system built on these precepts. Ii was assumed that it would fail, that people did not have the ability to govern themselves without someone to oversee and have the last word.
D) A bill of rights should be added to the Constitution
Before the Constitution could be ratified in 1787, Anti-Federalists sprung up. They were concerned that the Constitution didn't protect their rights at all, and were worried that a powerful central government would steal these rights away. As such, a Bill of Rights was demanded to protect the people.
Since they are not legally allowed to have alchol they are not willing to call a cab, friend, sibling, or parent to pick them up because the do not want to get in trouble. In addition, at this age they are more reckless.