The British Isles have experienced a long history of migration from Europe. The ancient migrations have come via two routes: along the Atlantic coast and from Germany–Scandinavia. The first settlements came in the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic periods. The earliest evidence of human presence in Ireland is dated to 10,500 BC.[1][2][3]
Research into this prehistoric settlement is controversial, with differences of opinion in many academic disciplines. There have been disputes over the sizes of the migrations and whether they were peaceful. In the latter part of the second millennium, the finds of archaeology allowed a view of the settlement pattern to be inferred from changes in artefacts. Since the 1990s the use of DNA has allowed this view to be refined.
There were 9 countries that had colonies in Arica, Spain, The Netherlands, France, The United Kingdom, The Ottoman Empire, Germany, Italy, Belgium, and Portugal
Rare property of obsidian that is advantageous to archaeologists is that it occurs in volcanic flows that are remarkably homogeneous in chemical composition within a flow, but preserve elemental signatures that are unique to volcanic centers, and in some cases individual flows.
~Hello there! ^_^
Your question: What US constitutional right did president Lincoln suspend..?
Your answer: President Lincoln suspended the rights of habeas corpus during the Civil War.
Happy Studying! :D
By 1986, shops on Canal Street were closed and windows were boarded up and colorfully painted. Just a decade earlier,
But by the mid-1980s, one in eight workers was unemployed in Louisiana, the highest unemployment rate in the nation. The cruelest impact was on families, as fathers left their children and wives.
One of the biggest hits fell on the small bayou communities that had thrived in the 1970s. In Morgan City, one in four were jobless.
As oil prices dropped – as low as $10 a barrel – some pessimists said Louisiana’s heyday as a prosperous and carefree supplier of energy was over forever. Even if prices rebounded, they said, the Gulf was running out of recoverable oil. But technology proved them wrong, as new deepwater drilling techniques allowed energy companies to find oil and gas in ways that would not have been imaginable just 25 years ago.