To improve readability, use white
text on a dark green background but <span>the darker text on a lighter background
was rated more readable than lighter text on dark backgrounds according to
survey in every color combination. Example, red text on white background is
more readable than white text on red background.</span>
Answer: object that persist set of values and operations as behavior
Explanation: Abstract data types(ADT)are those object value which are dependent upon the collection of the values and collection of the operations.The organization of the data object is not specified in ADT but the operations that are to be carried out are defined in it.
The implementation individuality displayed by the ADT and hiding of the representation or design makes it abstract.
In python:
age = float(input("How old are you? "))
weight = float(input("How much do you weigh? "))
heart_rate = float(input("What's your heart rate? "))
time = float(input("What's the time? "))
print("The calories burned for men is {}, and the calories burned for women is {}.".format(
((age * 0.2017) - (weight * 0.09036) + (heart_rate * 0.6309) - 55.0969) * (time / 4.184),
((age * 0.074) - (weight * 0.05741) + (heart_rate * 0.4472) - 20.4022) * (time / 4.184)))
This is the program.
When you enter 49 155 148 60, the output is:
The calories burned for men is 489.77724665391963, and the calories burned for women is 580.939531548757.
Round to whatever you desire.
To protect a formula
One common example to apply cell protection to spreadsheet entries is to protect a formula used in the sheet to calculate payouts or rankings for example. A manager might want to share the results of the team to all its team and provides some ranking or other form of calculations in the sheet. He then needs to protect the formula so it's not altered by the team members or anyone else reviewing the file.
C. Modern Programming Language Skills