1.Create the root CA directory: mkdir -p /root/internalca cd /root/internalca.
2.Generate the private key of the root CA: openssl genrsa -out rootCAKey.pem 2048.
3.Generate the self-signed root CA certificate: ...
4.Review the certificate:
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Option d pretest
Given the pseudocode:
- do stepA
- do stepB
- if conditionC is true
- then do stepD
- else
- do stepE
- end if
- while conditionF is true
- do stepG
- end while
The pseudocode above shows that there is a pretest before some codes are executed. For example, line 3 check if condition is true then only execute stepD otherwise execute stepE. Line 8 check if conditionF is true then repeatedly execute stepG. These are examples of pretest a condition will must be met (pretest passed) before a block of codes can be executed. This pretest can be seen in if-else statements and also the while condition.
the user cannot use a computer system without hardware and software