At the bottom you have the producers aka auto trophic livings (which use inorganic compounds to grow, produce energy, matter and so on..). These organisms would be plants, Cyrano bacteria, over all any organisms that do photosynthesis.
False both the sun and the stars change and move around.
MRNA has a complex secondary structure; 3D. While tRNA is more like an X figure.
cells, growth, reproduction, adaptation, homeostasis, use of energy and response to the environment
Growth factors are hormones, proteins, or steroid molecules that regulate many cellular functions. They can stimulate the cell division by giving the signal to the cell to progress in the cell cycle.
Growth factors are naturally produced within the body and travels through the body to bind to their receptors present on their target cells. These growth factors are capable of signalling the cell to divide, proliferate, or heel. Their main aim is to signal or tell other cell when to do and what to do. Due to the binding with the receptors the growth factors activates specific genes.