<u>here's how to convert 6.282828282828 to a fraction</u>
slide the decimal point in this number to the right 2 place which is the same number of digits in the number 28
If we do this, we'll get a 628.282828
now, we have two numbers with the same repeating decimal parts, 628.282828 and 6.282828.
call your original number x
in this case, x=6.282828. The number with the decimal point slid over can be called 100x, because 100x=628.282828
100x = 628.283
- x = 6.28283
99x = 622
solve 99x=622 for x by dividing both sides of it by 99, we'll get that x=622/99
this can be written as a mixed number like ...

hope this helps :)