President Abraham Lincoln paved the way for abolishing slavery, in the year 1808 they stopped the transport of slaves from Africa to the US.
Hi! The cultural aspects of the ciry-state impact the from of government because the greeks were in some ways independently -minded and developed a culture of individual freedom where it was considered by many a disgrace to work for someone else. This independence led the lower classes to want to participate in government, and promoted democracy - not today's representative democracy where a member of parliament is supposed to represent the citizens within an electorate, but rather direct democracy, where all the citizens met in assembly each fortnight and made decisions directly on matters put to them by a council, which latter saw to the implementation of their decisions. So I hope that help :)
Me Reading it and not knowing wt f the answer is
Post -Civil war reconstruction.
During years the politic of United States was the overseas expansion ( Ocean to ocean).
Many Americans did move to territories in the west and the south. This expansionism always was a force in American History,
But during the time of the civil war while the nation was torn apart, the expansion came to a halt after that time the US started rebuilding and expanding again.
Would it be the indus valley culture