This is true because in our last study, we learned that proteins were processed through these systems-- therefore, making it true.
Fast-moving cold fronts force the warm air ahead of them to rise more quickly than slow movers. The clouds and rain are mostly along the front or ahead of it, and heavy rain or thunderstorms are common. A slow-moving front lifts the warm air more gradually; the rain is less intense, and the clouds form along and *behind* the surface cold front.
I feel the same I'm so dumb
Polysaccharides are the genetic material.
Avery did not observe transformation using the extracts containing degraded DNA. On the other hand, extracts with degraded RNA, proteins, and polysaccharides exhibited transformation. Therefore, he concluded that DNA is the genetic material responsible for transformation. If he would have observed the process of transformation using extracts containing degraded DNA but not with degraded polysaccharides, he might have concluded that "polysaccharides were the genetic material responsible for the process of transformation."
Las Ciencias de la Tierra o Geociencias conciernen y engloban las disciplinas que estudian la estructura, morfología, evolución, y dinámica del planeta Tierra. Constituye un caso particular de las ciencias planetarias, que se ocupan ellas del estudio de los planetas del Sistema Solar.