Answer: the shelter principle
The shelter principle refers to allowing a party or individual who has a non-HDC and derives the title through an HDC to enjoy the rights of an HDC. Irrespective of a given negotiable instrument and can still obtain those rights.
The correct answer is true. It is because with immoral living, an individual likely does things that violates the law or do things that are considered to be wrong as one doesn't know to differentiate what is right and wrong, by this, it is likely that the person doesn't know what is right or what is true that may lead him or her to formulate false doctrine.<span />
It’s B because it’s has to do with the African tribes
It is the earliest Stone age period dating 2.6 million years ago. The age is distinguished by most primitive stone tools. Humans during the era grouped together in small “bands” and were involved in gathering plants, fishing and hunting. The age can be divided into lower Paleolithic, middle Paleolithic and upper Paleolithic. During the end of the age, people developed spiritual and religious beliefs as depicted in some of the excavations. It is the 3rd period of stone age and is often referred to as “New stone age”. Its time period is considered to be around 10,200 BC to 4,500BC , which ended with the beginning of “Bronze Age”. Only one human race (“homosapiens”) was found during this period. People lived in small tribes and were involved in domestication of animals. There is evidence of people living in permanent houses. There is also evidence of crop farming and cultivation during the period.
En el Renacimiento, la filosofía todavía era un campo muy amplio que abarcaba los estudios que hoy se asignan a varias ciencias distintas,[1] así como a la teología. Teniendo eso en cuenta, los tres campos de la filosofía que más atención y desarrollo recibieron fueron la filosofía política, el humanismo y la filosofía natural.[1]
En la filosofía política, las rivalidades entre los estados nacionales, sus crisis internas y el comienzo de la colonización europea de América renovaron el interés por problemas acerca de la naturaleza y moralidad del poder político, la unidad nacional, la seguridad interna, el poder del Estado y la justicia internacional.[1] En este campo destacaron los trabajos de Nicolás Maquiavelo, Jean Bodin y Francisco de Vitoria.[1]
El humanismo fue un movimiento que enfatizó el valor y la importancia de los seres humanos en el universo,[1] en contraste la filosofía medieval, que siempre puso a Dios y al cristianismo en el centro. Este movimiento fue, en primer lugar, un movimiento moral y literario, protagonizado por figuras como Erasmo de Róterdam, Santo Tomás Moro, Bartolomé de las Casas y Michel de Montaigne.[1]